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This time, Google Glass will identify the person!

The Dhaka Times Desk Google's internet-based glasses 'Google Glass' will be able to find a specific person in a crowd of thousands of people, for this, a special face recognition app has been developed by Lambda Lambs Software, a company based in California.


According to the online information, the app will quickly scan the faces of different people and find the faces of specific people by matching them with the online database. Not only that, the names and addresses of those people will also be known. The person wearing 'Google Glass' can know this information on the screen of their glasses. Fox News reported this information in a report.

However, Steve Lee, director of Google Glass product management department, has given an opinion in favor of not using the app initially. He said that Google will only use facial recognition app on Google Glass only if it is confirmed that privacy is not violated. In that information, it is said that 'Google Glass' will come to the market in 2014. Source: Internet

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