Categories: Picturesque

A mother threw her child from the 4th floor!

The Dhaka Times Desk Mother is! Such a mother seems never to have been heard of again. A mother threw a 7-year-old child from the 4th floor!

সন্তানের জন্য সবথেকে নিরাপদ হলো মায়ের কোল! তবে সেই মা’ই যদি সন্তানকে হত্যা করেন তাহলে নিরাপদ স্থান বলে আর কিছু থাকে না। এমনই একটি লোমহর্ষক ঘটনার খবর পাওয়া গেছে। এই ঘটনাটি ঘটেছে ভারতের বেঙ্গালুরেু। সেখানকার ৭ বছরের এক শিশু নিহত হওয়ার পর সেই প্রশ্নই স্থানীয়দের মধ্যে বিদ্ধ করেছে!

According to an Indian media report, a mother in Jaraganahalli area of Jepynagar, Bengaluru, killed her 7-year-old child by throwing her from the top of a 4-storey building. The merciless stone mother did the same thing again because the child was still alive after being thrown down the first time. The incident happened on August 27.

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Recently, the locals were speechless after seeing the brutal murder of the daughter by the mother. According to the report, 7-year-old Shreya Sarkar was partially disabled and could not speak. Mother Swati Sarkar kept trying to get him to talk.

But Shreya became restless that day without being able to speak. Unable to calm her daughter, her mother first threw her from the top of a four-storey house.

Neighbors first thought that Shreya had fallen from the floor when they saw the incident around 3:30 pm. Neighbors saw mother Swati going downstairs to rescue her daughter. However, when the murderous mother took the bloody girl upstairs, changed her clothes and threw it from above, the locals were wrong. Although he survived the first time, Shreya, a 7-year-old child, died the next time he fell down.

Locals said that Swati tried to kill her daughter and run away. But then the neighbors caught him. Neighbors also informed the police.

The police found out in the preliminary investigation that Swati Sarkar was depressed about her daughter. They came to Bengaluru with their family from West Bengal 10 years ago. Two years ago, Swati was teaching in a school. Her husband works as a business analyst in a private company.

They got separated a year ago. However, the person used to send financial assistance to Swati and her daughter regularly.

A case has been registered in the case of killing the girl. Police have started an investigation.


This post was last modified on আগস্ট ২৯, ২০১৭ 7:40 pm

Staff reporter

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