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First meeting on the bus: 13 years later married on the same bus!

Cara Mullins and Osvaldo OJ Jimenez first met on a bus in 2004

The Dhaka Times Desk It really is like a fairy tale. Because 13 years ago it was seen that after 13 years on the bus they got married! One such news is now viral online.

প্রথম দেখা বাসেই: ১৩ বছর পর বিয়ে সেই বাসেই! 1

The incident is in New York, USA. Cara Mullins and Osvaldo OJ Jimenez first met on a bus in 2004. Love at first sight, which is called liking each other at first sight. 13 long years have passed since then.

After getting to know each other well in these 13 years, they decided to get married this year, even on the same bus! 13 years ago, two people decided to get married on the M14 local bus in Manhattan.

According to that plan, the guests were also invited to the address of the bus. 50 of the guests can attend the wedding. Ordinary passengers also became guests at the wedding!

"I'm really happy to have found you in the path of life," Jemenje said about this unforgettable wedding. In response to this, the groom said, I love you too, I have waited for you for 13 years, I don't want to wait anymore. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

Notably, they said, originally the bride came to Jimenez's mind 'they will start a new life on the bus where they met'. At the end of the day!

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