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An example of a humanitarian disaster is the Rohingya Muslims of Myanmar

From 1631 to 1635 there was a severe famine in Arakan. Then the Muslim rule ended there

The Dhaka Times Desk One of the worst disasters of humanity is the Rohingya Muslims of Myanmar. They have been victims of Myanmar's military junta for decades. Today they are living like a nomad after losing their homes.

মানবিক বিপর্যয়ের দৃষ্টান্ত মিয়ানমারের রোহিঙ্গা মুসলিম 1

The torture of Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar's Arakan state seems to be unprecedented in any other country in the world. It was probably not desirable for anyone to lose their home and cross the river to migrate to another country even in their native place.

This Rohingya was the original home for hundreds of years. But because of being the only Muslim, they have this fate? That question is coming.

Myanmar's Rohingya Muslims are the unluckiest people in the world. Those who once had independent states, power and prestige are now being subjected to inhuman torture by terrorist Buddhists. The ironic history of Myanmar's Muslim population will no doubt haunt anyone. Myanmar's Arakan State is one of the first Muslim settlements in the subcontinent and East Asia. The Rohingyas are the descendants of those Arakanese Muslims. An independent Muslim state was established in this Arakan state.

Not today. Muslim rule established in 1430 lasted for more than 200 years. From 1631 to 1635 there was a severe famine in Arakan. Then the Muslim rule ended there.

In 1660, the Mughal emperor Shahzada Shuja, who was protected by Arakan king Thanthudhamma in his own kingdom, was killed by his family. From then on began his most cruel and inhuman persecution of Muslims. Muslims had to spend about 350 years in this miserable condition.

Then in 1780 Burmese King Bodhapoya occupied Arakan. He was also fiercely anti-Muslim. And so the Burmese king continued to kill Muslims in droves. Then in 1828, Burma came under British rule.

মানবিক বিপর্যয়ের দৃষ্টান্ত মিয়ানমারের রোহিঙ্গা মুসলিম 2

After Burma gained autonomy in 1937, planned communal riots by Buddhists became widespread and killed about 3 million Muslims. Then in 1948 Burma got independence. However, there was no change in the fortunes of the Muslim population. Despite that, the fate of Rohingya Muslims remains ironic. The government of the independent country has deprived them of their citizenship and human rights!

Since then, the Rohingya Muslims were forced to seek refuge in neighboring Bangladesh and all over the world after being attacked by Nasaka forces and Buddhists. So today Rohingyas are stateless citizens of the world.

In 1982, the Myanmar government revoked the citizenship of Rohingya Muslims. Officially they are only referred to as 'residents' there! They have no voting rights. No constitutional and social rights. They are foreigners in their own country! They can not go to other provinces of Myanmar without permission! Where once the Rohingyas were the majority, today they have become a minority. Rohingya Muslims have been made a minority by bringing Rakhine Buddhists there.

There has been a trend of killing Muslims for ages. From June 3, 2012, the terrorist Rakhine Buddhists started one of the most brutal massacres in history. They started this genocide on the pretext of torture of Buddhist women at the hands of Rohingyas. In the beginning at least 10 Rohingya Muslims were martyred by radical terrorist Buddhists. Since then torture has been carried out every year under some pretext. Last year too, thousands of Muslim houses were burnt down in such an attack. The massacre started again this month. One after another, the killing of Muslims and the burning of their houses has shocked the world. Despite the strong condemnation of various human rights groups, including the United Nations, the Myanmar government remains silent. Suu Kyi, who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, is today playing the role of a silent spectator. His silence is shaking the conscience of the world. But the Myanmar government has continued its activities i.e. torturing the Rohingyas. A great humanitarian disaster has occurred there. Tens of millions of Rohingya Muslims are in the worst humanitarian crisis. One person cannot be allowed to torture another person. Today, from children and teenagers to the elderly, no one is spared from this brutality. People of the world should look at this matter very seriously. Rohingya Muslims must stand by. And the Myanmar government should protest against such torture.

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