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Hospitality with gold rice at the wedding!

An alternative approach has been chosen for hospitality!

The Dhaka Times Desk Someone wrapped in gold and married. Keoba wears a golden dress and goes to the wedding. But this time, a little exceptional event is that the wedding ceremony was done with golden rice!

বিয়েবাড়িতে সোনার ভাত দিয়ে মেহমানদারী! 1

A variety of delicious food is served at the wedding. Many again make many different items and impress the guests. But this time an alternative approach has been chosen for hospitality! And that alternative method is gold rice! A wedding in Hyorabad, India served such a strange dish!

But not completely gold rice, gold coating or powder on rice is gold rice. A catering service there has made such an arrangement for guest entertainment. The most interesting thing is that the golden rice is served in a banana leaf!

V Sai Radha Krishna, the owner of that catering service, said that he wanted to give a new surprise at the wedding. The practice of wrapping drinks or giving sweets in gold or silver colors is already there. This idea came from there!

His staff sprinkled gold leaf over hot rice in banana leaves. The leaves are made with 24 carat gold extract. When the gold comes in contact with the hot rice, it melts and mixes with the rice. Due to which the color of rice has also changed to golden i.e. like gold. It will look like the guests have been served golden rice.

Radha Krishna's organization took responsibility for the wedding of the daughter of Gali Janardhan Reddy, a prominent BJP leader in Karnataka. That wedding cost more than 500 million rupees!

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