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Shocked couple: the road where the house is pitched!

Went on vacation. After a week they came back and found their house gone. There is a road pouring pitch!

The Dhaka Times Desk A couple went on a trip for a week. When they came back, they saw the road where the pitch was poured! The couple was shocked in such an incident.

হতবাক দম্পতি: বাড়ির জায়গায় পিচ ঢালা রাস্তা! 1

Many people go for a short break from the busy city life. That is normal. But at the end of the trip, if you return home and see that his house is not there! How about then? Just such an incident happened to a couple. They went on vacation. After a week they came back and found their house gone. There is a road pouring pitch!

There is a pitched road through their house! Many people may think that he may have lost his way and arrived somewhere else. But it is not at all. The mistake was made by the local administration. Forgetting them, the couple's house was occupied by a paved road. Their old house is a few feet away on one side of the new road in a dilapidated state!

This strange incident happened in the Zavat Voskarsiensky region of Russia. Valeria Udalva, the owner of that house, told the local media that they did not know anything about the construction of this road. They were not informed in advance by the local administration about the road that will be built over their house.

Initially, the administration of Zavat Voskarsiensky denied the allegations of the man named Valeria, but after the news was broadcast, they promised to look into the matter.

However, the couple said that they will protest on this road until they get compensation.

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