The Dhaka Times
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Decision to help Rohingyas by saving festival expenses on Durga Puja

Bangladesh Pooja Celebration Council

The Dhaka Times Desk A decision has been taken to help the Rohingya refugees by saving the cost of Durga Puja festival. The Bangladesh Pooja Celebration Council has already informed the puja committees of the whole country about this decision.

দুর্গাপূজায় উৎসবের খরচ বাঁচিয়ে রোহিঙ্গাদের সহায়তা করার সিদ্ধান্ত 1

This information was given in a press conference at Dhakeshwari National Temple in the capital yesterday (Friday). Advocate Tapas Kumar Pal, General Secretary of Bangladesh Puja Udjaj Parishad, read the original written speech at the press conference.

Referring to the Rohingya refugee problem in the press conference, it is said that Bangladesh is facing a terrible inhumane problem with the Rohingya problem. The council has decided that this year's Durga Puja will save the expenses of the festival and help the refugees. The puja committees have already been informed about this decision across the country.

It should be noted that this time the number of pujamandap has increased from last time. The number of pujas across the country has reached 30 thousand 77. Last year this number was 29 thousand 395. Puja will be held in 682 mandapa more than last time. 231 pujas are being held in the capital Dhaka this year, last year this number was 229. This year the highest number of pujas is in Chittagong, 1 thousand 767.

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