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Learn how to find your lost smartphone data

Many times the favorite pictures can be deleted from the Android smartphone without being noticed

The Dhaka Times Desk Your smartphone data can be lost for any reason. So find out how to find your lost smartphone data today.

আপনার স্মার্টফোনের হারানো ডাটা খুঁজে পাওয়ার পদ্ধতি জেনে নিন 1

Nowadays it is difficult to find a person who does not use a smartphone. Currently, the use of smartphones is not limited to just talking - smartphones are being used in many ways.

Smartphones have also become objects to store images, records or information. However, many times the favorite pictures can be deleted from the Android smartphone without being noticed. Then check out today's method without regret.

There are many apps in the Google Play Store that can help you recover deleted photos.

The app called 'Disk Digger' is useful for finding lost photos from Android operating system smartphones. It also costs nothing to use.

Another app is 'Dumpster Image and Video Restore'. Deleted photos can be found easily through the app. The additional advantage of this app is that it is possible to find deleted MP3 and video files. There is no charge for using it.

Other apps for recovering lost photos are 'Restore Image', 'Dig Deep Image Recovery' and other apps. Using these apps you can easily recover your lost data.

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