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The entire 'city' of octopuses under the sea!

There are houses, roads and everything. A city arranged like a picture

The Dhaka Times Desk Under the water has created a city, which can never be imagined. Yes, that's right. A whole 'city' of octopuses under the sea!

সমুদ্রের তলায় অক্টোপাসদের আস্ত ‘শহর’! 1

In that city there are houses, roads and everything. A city arranged like a picture. However, the credit of building such a city is not human, the craftsman of this city is octopuses.

This may sound surprising, but it is true. This entire city was built by octopuses under the sea off the east coast of Australia.

Scientists from the University of Illinois at Chicago discovered this amazing city hidden under the water. Experts said that the Gloomy Octopus created this amazing city. The scientific name of these octopuses is Octopus tetricus.

The first 'city' made of octopuses was seen in 2009. This is the second time such a 'city' has met. This new 'city' is a few hundred meters away from the old one. This new city 'Octlantis' is about 10/15 meters below the surface of the water. The entire 'city' is 18 meters long and 4 meters wide.

সমুদ্রের তলায় অক্টোপাসদের আস্ত ‘শহর’! 2

This entire 'city' is made of stones, sand, remains of hunted animals. A total of 13 octopuses live in this 'city'!

Scientists installed 4 cameras to monitor the entire area and recorded continuously for 10 hours. Scientists claim to have observed social behavior among octopuses living in the 'city'. A truly incredible event.

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