The Dhaka Times
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It rained fish in Chilwa, Sri Lanka!

In this village, about 50 kg of fish fell from the sky without farming!

The Dhaka Times Desk A news story that anyone can tell is fake news. But actually it is not, an incident that really happened in Sri Lanka's Chilwa district. There has been a rain of fish!

শ্রীলঙ্কার চিলওয়াতে হয়েছে মাছের বৃষ্টি! 1

Everyone is shocked! Fish falling from the sky like rain! It can definitely be called fish rain. Just such an incident happened in a village in Sri Lanka's Chilwa district Last Monday there was a storm of Kalbaisakhi. A lot of fish fly to the village in that storm! In this village, about 50 kg of fish fell from the sky without farming!

According to a report of Daily Mirror, it has rained three times in Sri Lanka. Various types of fish, including prawns, were lying in the bushes of the village at this time.

Scientists have said about this phenomenon, strong eddies are created in rivers or seas during strong cyclones. And during this vortex, the fish in the water often come up. The fish were scattered here and there in the wind of the storm. This is exactly what happened in that village in Sri Lanka.

After the fish spread in that village, the villagers kept them in pots and kept them. Everyone took the fish home with water in a plastic bag.

Meanwhile, a sensation was created among the villagers about the rain of fish. The people of the surrounding area started flocking to that village of Chilwa district on hearing the news of fish rain. But before the outsiders came, the villagers collected the fish.

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