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Special car for American President Barack Obama - The Beast!

The Dhaka Times Desk  Barack Obama The most powerful country in the world is the president of America. Due to his position at the top of his country's popularity, he was elected the US president for the second time, received the Nobel Peace Prize That is in his security system Presidential car Yes, it is a special car Cadillac-One Which is rich in various unique features.


This special car is nicknamed 'The Beast' It is the most technologically advanced vehicle in the world due to its security and coded communication system. Let's know some of the unique features of this fancy car

• The car has four seats and each one is separated from the other by glass and the window down switch is only with Obama. There is a panic button through which Obama can call for help in an emergency.
• The car door has eight inch thick armor plate (bullet proof) and the door weighs as much as a Boeing-757 jet.
equal to the door.
• The driver's window can be opened up to three inches and is bulletproof. Through the window, drivers can talk to Secret Service agents and pay tolls.
• The entire car is made of a mixture of hardened steel, aluminum, titanium and even ceramic, fully protected against high velocity bullets.
• The driver of the vehicle is CIA trained and able to leave the danger spot quickly in any emergency. The car has a standard steering wheel and special communication system on the driver's dash board GPS tracking system.
• The petrol tank of the vehicle is made of armor plate and has a special type of foam to protect it from direct blasts.
• The vehicle boot which is located at the rear of the vehicle contains oxygen supply and fire fighting system.
• Obama's seat has a Wi-Fi connected desktop, laptop, and satellite phone to keep in touch with the Vice President and the Pentagon.
• Defense systems include night vision cameras, pump-action shotguns and tear gas launchers, and are stocked with the same blood group as the president.
• Under the car there is a special five-inch sheet that will protect the car from bombs buried in the road.
• Car tires are specially made with steel rims due to which the car is able to move even if the wheel is punctured.
• The vehicle can fire infrared smoke grenades that can create smoke around the vehicle. This will protect the vehicle from rocket propelled grenades or missiles.
• There is a special video system for the driver to drive in smoke, fog or darkness.
• Microphone systems are attached inside and outside the vehicle to listen to sounds from outside the vehicle.


Car at a glance:

• Price: 300000 pounds
• Length: 18 feet
• Height: 5 feet 10 inches
• Engine: 6.5 liter diesel engine
• Top speed: 60 miles per hour or 96 kilometers per hour
• Fuel consumption: Eight miles per gallon

The car of the President of America, the most powerful nation in the world, 'The Beast', is an object of human interest and attraction, and with strict security measures, this car can be compared to a tank. Which gives President Barack Obama maximum protection from any terrorist attack while on the road.

Reference: Popular Mechanics

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