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International competition judge Mona Lisa!

Model and actress Mona Lisa has gained popularity in a very short time

The Dhaka Times Desk In a very short period of time, the Monalisa got the responsibility of a judge in an international competition abroad across the borders of the country!

আন্তর্জাতিক প্রতিযোগিতায় বিচারকের দায়িত্ব পেলেন মোনালিসা! 1

Model and actress Mona Lisa has gained popularity in a very short time. He is currently living in America. Today is Monalisa's birthday. On the occasion of this birthday, Monalisa gave a good news on her Facebook wall from the US. Monalisa said that she has been invited as a judge in an international competition like Mrs. India Worldwide.

This is the first time that a Bangladeshi star has been included in the international star judging panel of this event. Approved by 35 countries around the world, Mrs. India Worldwide is recognized as India's only international pageant.

আন্তর্জাতিক প্রতিযোগিতায় বিচারকের দায়িত্ব পেলেন মোনালিসা! 2

The Miss India Worldwide and Mrs India Worldwide pageants will be held tomorrow (Friday) and October 8 at the Grand Ballroom at The Plaza, Royal Albert's Palace, New Jersey. Contestants will appear before the judges dressed in evening gowns on the first day and Indian attire on the second day.

Monalisa said that she received the invitation letter on August 22 but shared it on her birthday. Monalisa commented that this is the first time she is going to be a judge in a competition. I am really honored to receive this invitation. This is a special and great honor for me. I am really excited to participate as an international judge.

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