The Dhaka Times Desk Shooting of Zayed Khan's 'Bahaduri' film has started at FDC. This film is directed by Shafiq Hasan.
Cinematographer Zayed Khan is currently the General Secretary of Film Artists Association. He is currently busy shooting for the movie 'Bahaduri'. Filmmaker Shafiq Hasan said that the shooting of the movie has started at BFDC.
Regarding the movie 'Bahaduri', Zayed Khan said, 'I have shot the movie Bahaduri. Some fight scenes are being shot for this action movie. I hope the audience will like the movie very much.'
The film 'Bahaduri' is produced by SS Multimedia. There are 5 songs in this movie. The recording of the song has already been completed.
Newcomer Mau Khan acted opposite Zayed Khan in this movie. It is said that Simon-Pirimony pair will also be seen in this movie.
It is to be noted that on April 25, the Maharat of the film 'Bahaduri' was held at BFDC.