The Dhaka Times
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Radio-TV or not advertising in the newspaper: now the app will find the lost child!

The Dhaka Times Desk The case of child loss is not rare in our country. And if a child is lost, there is no other option than miking or advertising on radio and TV. But now the app will do the job of finding the lost child!


Facial recognition app to find missing children 'Baby Back Home : Missing Children App', Chinese advertising agency JW China and missing children information agency Baby Back Home website jointly developed the app. Through this, it is believed that it will be possible to find the missing or kidnapped children easily in the populated countries of the world.

It has been reported that the app can find specific people in a crowd of thousands of people. It can quickly scan different people's facial features as well as find specific people's faces by matching them with online databases. And if it is matched with the image in the database, the name and address of the child will be known. If a child is found without a guardian, the address of the child can be known quickly with the help of the app.

This app has been downloaded 20,000 times within a week of its launch. Not only that, the news also confirmed that two lost children have been returned to their families through the app.

Source: Internet

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