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Myanmar is also beginning to bear the brunt of the atrocities against the Rohingyas

The whole world is stunned by the atrocities on the Rohingyas

The Dhaka Times Desk In the way innocent people are brutally tortured, Myanmar has also begun to bear the brunt of atrocities against the Rohingyas. The European Union (EU) has pulled out of a deal on investment in Myanmar.

রোহিঙ্গাদের ওপর নৃশংসতার ফলও মিয়ানমার পেতে শুরু করেছে 1

The whole world is stunned by the atrocities on the Rohingyas. The world is shocked that millions of people can be subjected to such brutal torture. In such a situation, the European Union (EU) has backed away from an agreement regarding investment in Myanmar. A related committee was supposed to visit Myanmar to make this agreement. However, due to the situation arising out of the Rohingya issue, the visit of the committee has been postponed indefinitely.

It is not sure when the delegation will go to Myanmar again. That's why this agreement regarding EU investment in Myanmar is now uncertain. The European Union has indefinitely suspended the signing of the 'Investment Protection Agreement' (IPA) between the European Union and Myanmar over the persecution of the Rohingya in Rakhine. An EU delegation was supposed to go to Myanmar to sign the agreement.

The Committee on International Trade of the European Parliament announced that they had suspended the visit to Myanmar. An EU-Myanmar investment agreement was due to be finalised. The main reason for this change of position of the European Union is the atrocities against the Rohingya Muslims in the Rakhine state of Myanmar.

The EU's committee member, Bernd Lange, said the delegation's visit would be suspended until further notice. He also said that the European Parliament (EP) approved a resolution on September 14 regarding the current political and human rights situation in Myanmar. The resolution did not approve an effective EU-Myanmar investment treaty. Therefore, the EP's International Trade Committee decided to postpone sending the delegation to Myanmar until an unspecified time.

He also said that it appears that it is not possible to conclude an investment agreement with Myanmar in the emerging situation. A source in the European business community based inside Myanmar said the delegation canceled its visit due to the situation in Myanmar, especially in Rakhine State. The deal was supposed to be a major investment deal between the European Union and Myanmar.

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