The Dhaka Times
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Today is the third year of the Nimtali tragedy. Nimtali is still unprotected

The Dhaka Times Desk Today marks three years since the terrible fire at Nimtali in Old Dhaka. On this day in 2010, 125 people lost their lives in a terrible fire in Nimatoli. Many are crippled. But Nimatoli is still unprotected.


An event happens in the world. People were shocked by the incident. But sometimes it is seen that he has forgotten that incident. We see such reality in this society, in this locality all the time. It was everyone's wish that the incident that happened in Nimtoli three years ago should not be repeated. But three years have passed since the Nimtali incident and still no improvement has been made. Illegal business is still going on there. Chemicals are still being stored there. So far no effective measures have been taken to stop such businesses in residential areas.

Recently, it was found that the electrical transformer that started the fire that exploded that day still has a short circuit. On the night of last May 11th, the wire snapped due to an electrical short circuit from the transformer. Apart from this, several times after the Nimtali accident, electrical disturbances have occurred from this transformer. Sparks and smoke often appear in the transformer. At this time the locals especially the children were terrified. Meanwhile, a fire broke out that day when chemicals kept in a factory at house number 43 of Nawab Katra came in contact with the spark of the transformer. For safety reasons, a ban has been issued on setting up factories or keeping chemicals in residential areas, but it is not being followed. Breaking the rules, Nawab Katra and the businessmen of the surrounding areas have set up numerous factories within the residential area. Which includes shoe solution glue and other flammable materials. In this situation, the residents of Nimtali are living there without protection and risking their lives.

Those three daughters are fine now

Three residents of Nawab Katra named Ratna, Runa and Asma lost their parents and relatives in the Nimtali tragedy. Ratna and Asma were preparing for marriage at that time. But Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina took responsibility for these girls who lost their parents in the accident. As a mother, Ratna-Runa and Asma got married with Suman, Jamil and Alamgir. Currently, these three daughters are happily married and have children.

Despite the passage of time, the people who lost their families and homes still could not forget those painful memories. The fear is that if not careful, the people of Nimtoli may again face the pain of three years ago. After the incident, some operations were conducted. Some factories have been closed but still the work of those illegal factories has not stopped. Such a big event happened that day in Nimatoli. But still no one seems to care. When will we know to be alert before the incident?

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