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About a few countries where the price of water is higher than petrol!

We know that modern civilization is called fossil fuel based civilization

The Dhaka Times Desk In our country, water is priceless. So if someone does not get the price of something, they say that it was sold at the price of water. But there are some countries in the world where the price of water is higher than petrol!

পেট্রোল থেকে পানির দাম বেশি এমন কয়েকটি দেশের কথা! 1

We know that modern civilization is called fossil fuel based civilization. The reason is that no modern engine will run without fossil fuels such as petrol, diesel, gas, coal extracted from underground mines.

On the other hand, electricity or energy cannot be produced without fuel. One of the most expensive of these fuels is petrol. But that petrol is available in several countries at a lower price than water! The price of petrol per liter in Bangladesh is Tk 70.

Know some countries where petrol is cheaper than water:

# The largest oil producing country in the world is Saudi Arabia. They are also known as the largest exporter of petrol. In Saudi Arabia, petrol is sold for just Rs 7.89 per liter.

# Libya is the world's ninth largest petrol producer. A liter of petrol is available in the country for just 9.04 rupees.

# A liter of petrol is now available in Venezuela for just US$ 0.031 at Tk 2.55. 50% of the country's economy depends on petrol sales.

# Turkmenistan citizens can use 120 liters of petrol per person per month for free. However, the price of petrol in the country is not fixed. If they need more than 120 liters, they have to pay 12 taka per liter.

# Bahrain is the world's fifth largest oil producer. Petrol price in the country is Rs 12.98 per liter.

# Kuwait has the fifth largest oil reserves in the world. Kuwait has about 10,400 million barrels of oil reserves. The average price of petrol per liter in this country is Tk 14.05. On the other hand, the retail price is Tk 12.41.

# Qatar is the seventh largest oil producer in the world. The country's main source of income is oil. Qatar has 15 billion barrels of oil reserves. Petrol price per liter is Rs.14.96.

1 TP5T 1 billion liters of petrol per day go from the Persian Gulf to Europe through Egypt's Suez Canal. The price of petrol per liter is Rs. 19.06. However, the price of petrol fluctuates from time to time due to political changes.

# Oman produces 6 lakh barrels of petrol per day. Petrol price per liter is Rs. 19.97.

# Algeria is the largest oil producer in Africa and the 10th largest oil producer in the world. The country produces 1.2 million barrels of oil per day. 60% of the country's income comes from this oil. Price of petrol per liter in Algeria is Tk 20.05.

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