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Manna's blind fan's 'Antar Jal' is coming on December 15.

In this new film, hero Zayed Khan will be seen in the role of Manna's blind fan

The Dhaka Times Desk The film 'Antar Jalha' is based on a blind fan of the late action hero Manna. The film is releasing on December 15.

১৫ ডিসেম্বর আসছে মান্নার অন্ধ ভক্তের ‘অন্তর জ্বালা’ 1

In this new film, hero Zayed Khan will be seen in the role of Manna's blind fan. Opposite him, the present-day sweet heroine of Dhakai film Parimony acted.

The film 'Antar Jalha' received uncut clearance from the Censor Board last March. The film 'Antar Jalha' is releasing on December 15.

'Antar Jalha' is directed by the country's renowned filmmaker Malek Afsari. This producer is 100% confident about his 23rd film.

Malek Afsari said, "Antar Jalha" is a film of my dreams. I have put my utmost talent, labor and time into the film. I poured all the experience of making films. That's why I don't see any reason for 'Antar Jhala' to flop. And if it flops, I will never direct a film again. In that case this will be my last film.'

১৫ ডিসেম্বর আসছে মান্নার অন্ধ ভক্তের ‘অন্তর জ্বালা’ 2

'Antar Jalha' also stars newcomer Joy Chowdhury, Moumita Mau, late Khal actor Mizu Ahmed, Rehena Jolly, Barada Mithu and Chikon Ali.

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