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Women's beliefs: wife beating is reasonable!

37 percent of women in the state of Bihar, India

The Dhaka Times Desk This time women have recognized the dirty work like wife beating. Recently, such information has emerged in a survey in India!

নারীদের বিশ্বাস: বউ পেটানো নাকি যুক্তিযুক্ত! 1

According to the survey, if the wife quarrels, the husband can beat her - this is the opinion of no one else, even 37 percent of the women of Bihar state of India.

This information has emerged in a survey conducted by the National Family Health Survey. It is understood from this information that the status of women's equality is at the very back in this one of the most backward states of the country. This view is not limited to rural Bihar region. 56 percent of working women in Bihar consider wife beating reasonable! 49 percent of urban women aged 15 to 19 years and 37 percent shared this opinion.

According to media reports, National Family Health Survey was conducted by the Union Ministry of Family and Health Welfare on 45 thousand 812 women. Their survey found that 41 percent of women in Bihar believe that a husband has every right to beat his wife if she disrespects her in-laws.

Various questions are asked about this. A list of reasons why women in Bihar consider wife beating justified has also been presented.

# Not looking after family or children properly
# Cooking is not good
# Addiction of wife to man etc.

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