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Smart bandage will heal body wounds very quickly!

It was created by a group of scientists from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Harvard University and MIT

The Dhaka Times Desk In the smart age, smart bandage has come to the shelves of everyone. This smart bandage will heal body wounds very quickly! It was created by scientists from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Harvard University and MIT.

স্মার্ট ব্যান্ডেজ শরীরের ক্ষত সারাবে খুব দ্রুত! 1

Smart bandages have been developed to heal body wounds very quickly. It was created by a group of scientists from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Harvard University and MIT.

They are already testing it. Usually the bandage is changed several times if there is a cut. Antiseptic cream or hydrogel may also be used. The new bandage will do these things automatically!

Once the smart bandage is placed in place, the bandage will automatically apply medicine to the wound by giving a command from the smartphone. It uses a combination of electric heaters and fibers instead of the usual yarn or other fibers used in bandages.

And it is covered with a layer of thermosensitive drug. But it works like any other common bandage. Protecting the wound from external dust. Further, the connected microcontroller is commanded through the smartphone to supply voltage to the bandage, due to which the fiber heats up and injects the drug into the wound.

However, scientists have said that ordinary bandages work well enough for ordinary people. However, this smart bandage is made for those whose wounds do not heal easily or for whom it becomes impossible to change the bandage every day.

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