Categories: international news

Court verdict: Muslims of 6 countries were not prevented from traveling to the United States!

The Dhaka Times Desk US President Donald Trump's bravado has finally yielded to the courts. Trump's travel ban is no longer in the US court's ruling. That is, Muslims can travel to the United States without hindrance.

As a result of this court ruling, citizens of 8 countries, including 6 Muslim countries, no longer have any obstacles to travel to the United States. US President Donald Trump's travel ban imposed after his election has been blocked by a court order. This information was reported yesterday (Wednesday) in a BBC report.

It said that US President Donald Trump's travel ban was supposed to take effect yesterday (Wednesday). However, just a few hours before that, a judge named Derrick Watson in the state of Hawaii blocked Trump's order.

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In issuing this order, it states that the President may never make such a decision under US federal immigration law.

Judge Derrick Watson also said that there was insufficient evidence to suggest that only the citizens of these 6 specific countries would be harmful to US interests out of 150 million nationalities.

The ban, which was announced last month, covered citizens of six Muslim-majority countries. The countries are: Somalia, Syria, Iran, Libya, Chad, Yemen. Also under the ban were Venezuela and South Korea.

However, due to the cancellation of the ban by President Donald Trump by the order of the court, there is no longer any obstacle for the citizens of the relevant countries to travel to the United States.

However, the administration of President Donald Trump has said that they will appeal against the order given by the court.

This post was last modified on অক্টোবর ১৮, ২০১৭ 4:04 pm

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