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Neymar thanked for making his dream come true

The Dhaka Times Desk New arrival Neymar has vowed to be dedicated to the team and give his best performance at the Camp Nou next season. The Brazilian superstar was bought by Barcelona for 57 million euros.


Neymar also said that he will support Messi as much as possible so that Barca's success continues. He commented that there is no alternative to being cooperative in order to succeed in playing together.

Selecao star Neymar said, “I want to play well, I want to help to play well. I know Barcelona is more than a club!”

"I will play alongside Messi with all my heart to keep him as the best player in the world. I am happy to join Barcelona. Yes, that's how I'll say it, a dream come true. My emotions were touched when I read the Barça jersey. Thank you for making the dream come true!”

When Neymar was compared with Ronaldo, Romario, Ronaldinho, he modestly said, "I don't want to compare myself with those who you call the best players. I still have a long way to go. I came here to play with Barca, to share in the glory of playing with Barca."

“I want very little. I want to score some goals, kiss the trophy, contribute something to the history of the club."

Barca cost 57 million euros to get Neymar out of Santosh. In addition, Neymar will receive 190 million euros in a five-year contract with Barca. Real Madrid could not buy Neymar even if he spent more than that, because Neymar always wanted to go to Barca.

The Brazilian media supported Neymar's choice of Barca. According to them, Neymar has chosen the right future. "The best players always want to play together," he said of playing with Messi.

"Messi is the best player of his time. We expect some great performances from the Neymar-Messi duo.”



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