The Dhaka Times
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Film about Rohingyas is going to be made

National award-winning filmmaker Syed Ahiduzzaman Diamond is going to make a film on this world-discussed Rohingya issue.

The Dhaka Times Desk At present, not only Bangladesh, but the entire world is familiar with one issue and that is the Rohingya issue. A film is going to be made about the Rohingya issue.

নির্মিত হতে চলেছে রোহিঙ্গাদের নিয়ে চলচ্চিত্র 1

Millions of Rohingya fled the country and came to Bangladesh after being persecuted by the Myanmar army. There is no limit to the suffering of these helpless people including pregnant women, children and the elderly. Even after coming to this country and breathing some peace, the horrible memories do not leave them behind.

National award-winning filmmaker Syed Ahiduzzaman Diamond is going to make a film on this world-discussed Rohingya issue. The film is also titled 'Rohingya'. It is known that actress Adhra Khan will play the role of a journalist in this film.

নির্মিত হতে চলেছে রোহিঙ্গাদের নিয়ে চলচ্চিত্র 2

In a response to a national daily, Adhra said, "The issue of Rohingya is now an international issue. A movie is being made on this, every character in it will be very challenging. I will be seen in the role of a journalist in the film 'Rohinga'. This character will be more challenging. I will try my best to portray the character with that challenge.”

It is to be noted that the first film starring heroine Adhara 'Love Like Madly' is awaiting release. The film is directed by Shaheen Suman.

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