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Free Teletalk SIM for women, 1 GB data for 8 taka!

This special internet package for women has been launched by national mobile phone operator Teletalk

The Dhaka Times Desk The current government is going to take special initiatives to make women more active. State Minister for Telecom Tarana Halim said that 20 lakh women will be given free Teletalk SIM. Moreover, they can take 1 GB of internet data for 8 taka!

নারীদের জন্য বিনামূল্যে টেলিটক সিম, ৮ টাকায় ১ জিবি ডাটা! 1

This special internet package for women has been launched by national mobile phone operator Teletalk. Yesterday (Sunday) Teletalk's special offer 'Aparajita Package' was informally inaugurated by State Minister for Telecommunication Tarana Halim.

Tarana Halim announced that Teletalk will distribute 20 lakh SIMs for free across the country. Now women can make cheap calls and use internet. Women can use 2 GB internet at 14 taka 14 taka per week for 8 taka. Free SIMs will be available from Teletalk's Retailer Center from today.

The Telecom Minister feels that such special internet packages for women will play a special role in 'women's empowerment'.

Tarana Halim also said that the ministry is not releasing funds for Teletalk's network development project despite the approval of Ekneke and the directive of the Prime Minister.

Minister of State for Telecommunication Tarana Halim once again urged the Ministry of Finance to exempt the proposed Tk 610 crore project for the development of Teletalk's network.

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