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What happens when the palm of the left hand itches? Find out today

Some such things have been common in the society since before

The Dhaka Times Desk There are many village proverbs about itchy palms. But this time the people of the city also believe in such things. But find out today what happens when the palm of the left hand itches?

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Such a word has been prevalent in the society since before. When the palm of the right hand itches, money is earned. When the palm of the left hand itches, the cost increases. Indian ecology has said something completely different!

According to our native Sanskar, left hand itching means leaving Lakshmi. In such a case, this reform fears that sudden loss of money, theft, robbery or any other case of huge money expenditure may happen. On the other hand, when the right hand is itchy, there is a great chance of earning Lakshmi. Sudden arrival of money, property gain from a distant relative, money that has been hidden or forgotten later comes into hand etc. So that happiness is supposed to happen.

According to Sanskar, the above statements apply only to men. In the case of girls, the situation is completely opposite. There, money loss is said when the right hand is itched and money gain is when the left hand is itched.

On the other hand, Indian ecology says something completely different. According to this Vastu Shastra theory, itchy palms mean the circulation of energy in the body. And the left hand is an indirect part of our body. In that case, if money is spent, then it cannot be labeled as bad. He can be called undesirable. According to Vastu, there is a way to get rid of itchy palms. In such cases it is better to rub hands on the wood. This results in unwanted energy being transmitted to the wood. According to Vastushastra, it is believed that no other harm can be done to the body.

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