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Some bad habits can cause serious damage to the brain

The first and foremost function of the body is the brain

The Dhaka Times Desk People have some bad habits that can cause serious damage not only to the body but also to the brain. Find out about this today. Which will benefit you.

কিছু বদ অভ্যাস মস্তিষ্কের জন্য মারাত্মক ক্ষতি করতে পারে 1

There is no end to our research on the brain. We have read various reports about the brain from time to time. But we have no idea what causes this brain damage.

We know that the first and foremost function of our body is the brain. Without the brain, we would be an inanimate object. All our activities depend on the brain. There are also opportunities to avoid habits that are currently robbing your brain of its sharpness. Find out what you are doing wrong every day:

# A number of factors can also damage your brain, including insomnia, junk food, physical inactivity.
# So you need to take care of these things for a fresh and healthy brain.
# should give up the bad habit of consuming excess sugar. Sugar is used in everyday food. Due to excess sugar consumption, our body is deficient in nutrients and protein. Too many sugary foods reduce the body's ability to absorb protein and nutrients, especially the brain. Because brain neurons and cells stop growing, the brain does not develop. It can have a huge impact on our brain. So the amount of sugar intake should be reduced.

# should give up the habit of overeating. Because many of us develop the habit of skipping one meal and eating more at the next meal. As bad as it is for the body, it can be even more deadly for the brain. The reason for this is that as a result of eating too much at once, sugar and other nutrients can suddenly increase in the body. This makes the veins of the brain hard. Due to which the brain loses its normal function.

Sleeping less than # amount. Like other cells in our body, brain cells are also damaged due to various reasons. This damage is replenished by the brain only during sleep. So you may suffer from mental exhaustion due to lack of sleep. Sleeping less every day can shrink your brain in the future. If you don't sleep well for two days in a row, your productivity at the office or at home will decrease.

# should give up the habit of not having breakfast. The reason is that many people are indifferent about breakfast. But even if we stop for the whole night, the inside of our body does not stop. If you don't have breakfast in the morning, there is a shortage of sugar in the body. This prevents the necessary nutrients from reaching the brain. The brain cannot function properly. It reduces brain function.

# Bad habits like smoking and drinking should be given up. Both smoking and drinking are very harmful habits for the brain. Smoking is especially bad for the brain. Smoking causes constriction of cerebral veins. It also does not supply nutrients, blood, oxygen etc properly. It causes brain damage like memory loss.

# Break the habit of eating too much junk food. Another English name for fast food is junk food. This junk food is bad for both your brain and heart. Processed, spicy junk food will slowly kill your brain cells. So avoid these junk foods.

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