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A week of junk food is enough to weaken the brain

The Dhaka Times Desk A week of eating junk food makes the brain weaker than before. If you love junk food, this is a warning for you…


This information is available in an Australian study. The researchers conducted this experiment on mice. Mice fed a high-fat, high-sugar diet performed significantly worse on specific memory tests than normal mice. If something is put away, they have trouble finding it. As may be the case with us, suppose you suddenly can't find the key.

According to Margaret Morris, co-author of the study, the findings would apply to humans as well. Moreover, in 2011, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition Its study found that healthy people who ate junk food for 5 consecutive days performed very poorly on tests measuring attention, speed, and mood.

Researchers aren't sure what causes memory problems. They hypothesize that junk food causes inflammation in the brain. Specifically in the brain's hippocampus, which is associated with memory and recognition. That means eating junk food will weaken your memory. And you lose the ability to recognize anything differently. In addition, if there is damage to the hippocampus of the brain, the difference between hunger and fullness cannot be understood. It eats more. Resulting in weight gain and obesity.


Foods that are harmful to the body such as high fat, high sugar are junk food. Most of the food in hotel restaurants is junk food. If you want good health, you have to cut out junk food, but if you want to keep your brain active, there is no option to cut out junk food. If eating alone, include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein.

Source: Men's Health

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