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Ryno is a unique motorcycle coming!

The Dhaka Times Desk And this motorcycle is not like 10 ordinary motorcycles. It runs on only one wheel, yet the motorcycle will run like a normal motorcycle. This one-wheeled motorcycle is made keeping in mind the traffic congestion.


The battery powered one wheeler Ryno can reach a top speed of 10 km per hour. It can run continuously for 90 minutes on a single charge. The inventors said a driver would be able to steer it in either direction. It will require very little space to change its direction.

The motorbike is manufactured by RYNO Motors, which claims to have invented the vehicle to reduce parking space on city streets and reduce road congestion. RYNO is a car that can be easily navigated on roads, even on roads, thereby reducing stress on the main road and saving the driver's time.


While driving the RYNO, the driver has to lean forward to accelerate and backward to slow down. Its weight is 57 kg and it is able to maintain the passenger's balance very well.

The first plan for this one-wheeler came to RYNO Motors CEO Chris Hoffmann in 2009. At that time, his daughter asked her father to make such a car while playing games. Since then, the result of gradual planning is today's RYNO!


RYNO is coming to the world market in August this year. RYNO Motors has not yet revealed the price details of this bike but it is expected to be priced around $2250.

Source: The Daily Mail

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