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Do you know why the blood is not taken from the dead body?

Many other body parts like eyes, kidneys can be taken after death. But blood cannot be taken

The Dhaka Times Desk We all know that blood is never taken from dead bodies. But we do not know why blood is not taken from dead bodies. Find out today why blood is not taken from dead bodies.

কেনো মৃতদেহ হতে রক্ত নেওয়া হয় না জানেন? 1

Many other body parts like eyes, kidneys can be taken after death. But blood cannot be taken. But why the blood of a dead person cannot be taken is unknown to all of us.

The number of blood donors in the world is very less than the demand for blood. So why can't the demand for blood be met by saving blood from dead people?

Dead people's eyes, kidneys and other organs can be preserved, but only blood cannot be preserved. Because there are several complications in collecting blood from dead bodies.

After the death of the human body, the blood is destroyed very quickly. After death, with the cessation of normal body functions, carbon dioxide, lactic acid and other pollutants begin to accumulate in the blood. They are processed by the kidneys and lungs when humans are alive. Blood alkalinity (pH) changes from normal. That is why the blood clots.

Moreover, various deadly germs can spread very quickly. Of course, it depends on the circumstances in which the person died. For example, if someone dies of a bacterial disease, then after death, the bacteria can quickly cover all the blood. Then the internal immunity of the body or the immune system is not active in the blood of the dead person.

One thing can be said in theory, and that is that blood can be used if people take it very quickly after they die. That is, since blood is quickly destroyed after death, blood can be collected immediately after death. But there is another argument here. Other organs of the body, which are considered more important than blood for donation, require the presence of blood to keep them usable. The presence of blood is required prior to the removal of the organs.

Now one question may come in everyone's mind, and that is why that body part is more important than blood. First of all, living people can donate blood without harm, but it is almost impossible to donate kidneys, eyes, lungs, etc. Since living people can donate blood, it is better to use the blood of dead people to collect scarce organs.

And the second is that blood builds up over time. Blood can only be obtained from a dead person once. We need to create awareness about blood donation. The reason is that blood can be collected from a living person every 3/4 months. But above 50 or if there is an illness, blood cannot be given. The issues should be taken care of by all. Encourage healthy people to donate blood. Because a bag of blood can save a life.

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