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World recognition of March 7 historic speech and Bangladesh

The world was impressed by the speech that Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman gave that day on March 7

The Dhaka Times Desk Finally, the historical context of the beginning of Bangladesh which we do not know as 7th March. Bangabandhu's historical speech of March 7 has now received world recognition. This historical speech and Bangladesh are connected to each other.

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The world was impressed by the speech that Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman gave that day on March 7. This speech on the eve of the Declaration of Independence is essentially reminiscent of the words of the Declaration of Independence. There has been a lot of discussion about this speech of Bangabandhu. Although there are precedents of many speeches in different countries of the world, Bangabandhu's March 7 speech was a unique speech. The speech on March 7 reflected how he roused people to independence by impressing them.

The International Advisory Committee (IAC) of the organization's Memory of the World (MOW) program met on 24-27 October at UNESCO headquarters in Paris, France – after a four-day long meeting, the World Heritage List of IAC historical documents was added to the Memory of the World International Register. It recommends adding 78 nominations, of which Bangabandhu's historic March 7 speech is one.

As part of the 2016-2017 nomination process, documents recognized as holders of their respective history and traditions from around the world were sent to the IAC for UNESCO recognition.

Director General of the National Archives of the United Arab Emirates. The IAC, consisting of 14 renowned experts headed by Abdullah Al-Raisi, scrutinized the records as a documentary tradition for two consecutive years.

UNESCO Director General Irina Bokova made the announcement on October 30 after finalizing the list of new additions.

In the declaration, Bokova said, 'It is my deep belief that the Memory of the World program should be conducted with the objective of preserving the written heritage and memory, so that present and future generations can nurture in their minds the spirit of dialogue, international cooperation, mutual understanding and peace-building.' Memory of the World-Bangabandhu-March 7.

Note that UNESCO launched the Memory of the World program in 1992. It was launched with the aim of promoting awareness in preserving and using the literary heritage of different countries of the world. Due to war and social unrest, the scarcity of resources has led to increasing problems with the literary tradition. The various museums of the world are being destroyed. Documents are lost due to looting, illegal sale, destruction, inadequate infrastructure and appropriation. Many documents are at risk of destruction.

For that reason, after this new addition, Member States requested the UNESCO Director-General to publish a detailed review of the entire program at the 204th session of the Executive Board to be held in 2018. Along with this, a Memory of the World-Bangabandhu-March 7 action plan was presented to preserve those historical documents. Apart from this, it is urged to take care that the MOW program gets mutual understanding and respect out of all kinds of political tension.

It is known that currently 427 historical documents of different countries have been placed in the Memory of the World list. This includes everything from stone and wood carvings to paper, leather, celluloid and audio-visual documentary traditions.

The last thing is that Bangabandhu's historical speech of March 7, this recognition of UNESCO has been considered as a worthy consideration by the people of the world.

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