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Another garbage-free Shahjalal Airport

How did this dirty environment change? Let's get to that point

The Dhaka Times Desk Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport is one of the main airports of international standard in our country. When foreign guests come to Dhaka, they first go to the airport. They have seen the dirty environment in the airport. However, the image of the waiting room has changed recently!

এক অন্য রকম আবর্জনামুক্ত শাহজালাল বিমানবন্দর 1

How did this dirty environment change? Let's get to that point. This dirty environment has been cleaned in a novel way. But find out how it's done. Abu Yusuf, the Magistrate in charge of the airport, informed about this matter. This is exactly what he said on Facebook:


- How much does coffee cost?
– 30 rupees
– Take 30, give one cup


- How much does coffee cost?
– 35 rupees. But if you return the cup after drinking coffee, you will get 5 rupees back. Or 30 taka with cup after coffee.
- One cup a day
After eating,
- This one takes the cup, this one takes 30

এক অন্য রকম আবর্জনামুক্ত শাহজালাল বিমানবন্দর 2

Magistrate Yusuf also wrote that I just gave an example with coffee. The rules are the same for all drinks and food items. If someone buys 5 taka more and leaves the garbage everywhere, another person or cleaning staff will deposit it in the respective shop and take the money as a piece.

Here are the tricks of the airport's 'Dirty Take Money' project. Actually the slogan used to be, deposit the dirt and get your money back. But at this time, I had to share the project of Myr Khaiya Raikha.

Airport staff also welcomed Yusuf's initiative. Social media has also stirred up the initiative 'Maya din taka nin'. Such an initiative to maintain a clean environment is welcomed by all. Now foreigners will understand that we are a clean nation even before entering our country. Let us avoid dirty environment.

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