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After the operation, the lighter came out of the stomach!

A man was admitted to a hospital in Florida with excruciating abdominal pain

The Dhaka Times Desk We have already seen reports of strange things like knives, scissors, nails coming out of the stomach. But this time it has gone one step further. After the operation, the lighter came out of the stomach!

এবার অপারেশনের পর পেট থেকে বের হলো লাইটার! 1

This human civilization is really strange. It's hard to tell when that happens. A man was admitted to a hospital in Florida, USA, with excruciating stomach pain. His physical condition was so dire that he had to be admitted to the emergency department.

Later, an X-ray at the hospital revealed that there was an elongated object inside the man's stomach. On examination, it can be seen that some fluid-like substance is coming out of the elongated thing inside the stomach. Which causes severe ulcers in the stomach.

After many tests, the doctors confirmed that the long object in the person's stomach was actually a lighter! Later, the 5 mm long lighter was brought out of the stomach through endoscopy! This information was given in a journal called 'Case Reports in Emergency Medicine', according to media reports.

The report, written by a physician at the University of Florida College of Medicine, noted that it was the world's No. 3 rare event.

The journal claims that this is the first such case in America. The journal also said that the man had been relatively healthy for the past year. However, the journal did not say how the lighter got into his stomach.

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