The Dhaka Times
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Aishee & Belal Khan's 'Tor Bholas' Music Video Released [VIDEO]

This new music video is released by SA Productions

The Dhaka Times Desk Aishee and Belal Khan's new music video 'Tor Valhavasa' is out. This new music video is released by SA Productions. This video song has created a lot of response among the youth.

ঐশী ও বেলাল খানের 'তোর ভালোবাসা'র মিউজিক ভিডিও প্রকাশ [ভিডিও] 1

Music artist Oishi has made a good place in the music world these days. On the other hand, Belal Khan has also become quite popular by gifting songs to the audience. Recently, the new music video of these two artists of the new generation, Oishi and Belal Khan, 'Tor Bhalosha' has been released. This new music video is released by SA Productions.

It is known that the song has been composed by artist Belal Khan himself on the words of Ishtiaq Ahmed. In this song dedicated to Max Bag, the new couple debuted in the video as models.

Popular filmmaker Saikat Nasir has produced this music video in the picturesque location of Cox's Bazar by pairing up new models Abhi and Tahira.

After the release of the video, there has been a lot of response among the audience. Because in the beginning of this video song, their dialogues are 'Your love is like a wave of a silver river, I am floating in that water.... Love love can be said less... I will love you Janam Janam..' has created quite a response among the youth. Moreover, the lyrics of the song are also very beautiful. All in all, the song seems to have stuck in the minds of the audience.

Watch the video song

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