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The free Windows 10 upgrade ends on December 31

As announced by Microsoft, we are not limiting the free upgrade offer to certain assistive technologies

The Dhaka Times Desk The free Windows 10 upgrade facility is going to be completely closed on December 31. Microsoft stopped free Windows 10 upgrade from July last year. However, the company gives extra time in the promo offer for customers who use 'accessibility features'.

৩১ ডিসেম্বর বন্ধ হচ্ছে বিনামূল্যে উইন্ডোজ ১০ আপগ্রেড 1

Microsoft introduced 'Accessibility Features' in Windows to help customers who have difficulty using computers in general. But this time Microsoft is going to stop that facility completely.

In July last year, Microsoft announced that, “We are not limiting the free upgrade offer for certain assistive technologies. If you've been using assistive technology in Windows, you'll be eligible for the free upgrade offer.”

Microsoft updated a statement last week. It said, “We will make a formal announcement to close this opportunity. Accessibility Upgrades are closing completely on December 31, 2017.”

And so in view of this statement of Microsoft, it is understood that after December 31, there will be no more free Windows 10 upgrade facility.

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