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How to hide private photos in Google Photos

Google Photos has become quite popular when it comes to saving pictures on computers or smartphones

The Dhaka Times Desk There is a separate option for private photos so that no one can see them. We can't be safe with pictures because we don't know that. Today, see how to hide private photos in Google Photos.

গুগল ফটোজে ব্যক্তিগত ছবি গোপন রাখবেন যেভাবে 1

Google Photos has become quite popular when it comes to saving pictures on computers or smartphones. However, there may be doubts about the security of these images.

No one has to think about the storage of photos after the arrival of this service of Google. It keeps the storage capacity of the smartphone completely intact. Moreover, Google Photos is no match for keeping all the pictures together. Google does not sort images by date after loading. Due to which it is possible to bring out the pictures from a long time ago very easily.

But sometimes it happens that we don't want to reveal some personal photos or videos in front of everyone. That is why it is necessary to keep them secret. Google Photos also has the option to keep personal photos separate from other photos. Anyone can keep their private photos private by using this facility.

That's why you need to use the archive feature of Google Photos. Find out how to do it now:

First, open Google Photos to hide photos or videos. Then select the photo or video you want to hide from there.

After selecting the images, go to the option marked with 3 dots in the upper right corner and you will get the option named Archive. Now select archive. Then watch your personal photos or videos stand out from the rest. Later you can see the hidden photos anytime you go to the archive.

Google Photos has this archive facility for Android, iOS and web users. But to enjoy the facility you will need Google Photos version 2.15.

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