The Dhaka Times Desk Today's successful presenter and actress. Actress Nabilo of Ayanabaji fame will be seen in Robi's new advertisement. Successful filmmaker Amitabh Reza is directing this new ad.
Despite his fame in the media world, his fame spread after the film Ayanabaji. She is none other than actress Masuma Rahman Nabila. Although this actress is very active in media appearances and modeling. Already gained popularity. Recently popular director Amitabh Razor is going to work again in the new advertisement of mobile phone service company Robi. He has already started working on the advertisement.
Reacting to the new ad, Nabila told the media, 'Working with Amitabh bhai is always enjoyable. I have nothing new to say about him as a producer. This new ad has some surprises. I am hopeful that the audience will like this ad too.'
It is to be noted that Nabila's first film under the direction of Amitabh Raza is 'Ayanabaji'. After that, actress Nabila worked in a play 'March Maser Shooting' under the direction of this renowned producer. This will be Nabila's third work under Amitabh.