The Dhaka Times Desk Many people want to know about the timing and rules of bat prayer. Batr prayer is like any other prayer. There is a very slight difference in this prayer. Find out today the timing and rules of cane prayer.
Many people want to know about the timing and rules of bat prayer. Batr prayer is like any other prayer. There is a very slight difference in this prayer. Find out today the timing and rules of cane prayer.
There are different opinions about the timing of the cane prayer. However, according to the Imams, the Baitar prayer can be performed after the Isha prayer until the moment before Subhi Sadiq. Batr prayer is offered in congregation after Taraweeh prayer for one month of Ramadan. However, at other times, this prayer is performed in different ways. It is an obligatory prayer.
According to our Imam Abu Hanifa (RA), the time of Isha and Bait prayers is the same. (Furrul Mukhtar): Baitar prayer has to be performed within a specified time. However, only those people who have made a habit of staying awake for Tahajjud prayer on the last night, can perform Baitar prayer even after Tahajjud on the last night. Why Rasul Kareem (PBUH) used to pray Batr according to this rule.
Those who do not have the habit of waking up from sleep at the end of the night, must perform the Isha prayer immediately.
Pronunciation: Nawaituan Usalliyyah Lillahi Ta' La Salasa Rak'atai Salatil Betre Wajibullahi Ta'la Mutawajjihan Ilajihatil Ka' Batish Sharifati Allahu Akbar.
The Bengali Niyat is: I intend to perform the obligatory prayer of three rak'ahs facing the Qibla, Allahu Akbar.
বেতরের তিন রাকাত নামাযের নিয়্যত করে তাকবীরে তাহরীমা বেঁধে যথারীতি দুরাকা’আতের পর বসে তাশাহুদ পাঠ করে তারপর দাঁড়িয়ে তৃতীয় রাক’আতে সূরা-কিরায়াত পাঠ করে পুনরায় তাহরীমা (হাত ছেড়ে দিয়ে আল্লাহ আকবর বলে) বেঁধে দোয়ায়ে কুনূত পাঠ করে যথারীতি রুকূ-সিজদাহ এবং শেষে বৈঠকের পর সালাম ফিরিয়ে নামাজ সমাপ্ত করতে হবে।
There is no restriction on any surah you can recite.
Click to know other prayer intentions and prayers-Intentions and prayers for five daily prayers"
This post was last modified on মে ১৭, ২০১৮ 3:51 pm
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