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Learn about drugs that are more dangerous to the kidneys

Kidney is an important organ of our body

The Dhaka Times Desk Kidney is an important organ of our body. Human body has two kidneys. Even if one is damaged, the other works. But if both the kidneys are destroyed then the person can no longer live. So if you want to keep your kidneys well, know about the drugs that are more dangerous for your kidneys.

কিডনির জন্য বেশি ঝুঁকিপূর্ণ ওষুধগুলো সম্পর্কে জেনে নিন 1

Many of us know that kidney is an important part of our body. Many of us know that our body has two kidneys. Even if one kidney is damaged, the other one works. But if both kidneys are destroyed, the person cannot survive. However, if we want to keep this kidney active, we have to do several things.

For example, to keep the kidneys active, you need to drink more water. Once ejaculation occurs, it cannot be stopped. Try to do it on time, i.e. when the speed of ejaculation comes, immediately ejaculate. Because retention of urine can sometimes damage the kidneys.

To keep the kidney functioning or well, we have to follow many rules and regulations. For example, there are some medications that the less you take, the better.

Drugs that are more dangerous to the kidneys are:

Drugs that are more dangerous to the kidneys are pain medications. A LabAid health tip mentions some such drugs. Eg: Painkillers like diclofenac sodium, ibuprofen, indomethacin, naproxen etc. can cause serious damage to the kidneys. Even paracetamol can cause kidney damage. Therefore, the risk of kidney damage always increases with frequent consumption or high doses of these drugs. So try to avoid these painkillers. If necessary due to pain, these medicines should be taken as per the doctor's advice.

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