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Donald Trump called on Hillary to stand for election in 2020!

Donald Trump said, 'Corrupt Hillary Clinton is the worst and biggest loser candidate. He should not stop.'

The Dhaka Times Desk An issue discussed internationally has become a headline in the news media. And that is Donald Trump called Hillary to run for election in 2020!

২০২০ সালে হিলারিকে নির্বাচনে দাঁড়ানোর আহ্বান জানালেন ডোনাল্ড ট্রাম্প! 1

US President Donald Trump has urged former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to run in the 2020 presidential election. At that time, Trump said, 'Hillary will be the easiest and most enjoyable to beat.'

In a tweet, Donald Trump said, 'Corrupt Hillary Clinton is the worst and biggest loser candidate. He shouldn't stop, it would be best for the Republican Party as well. Hillary, wake up, try again after three years.' Donald Trump said, 'I want to run with Clinton in the 2020 election even though Hillary has already said she will not participate directly in politics.'

Trump's tweet came shortly after criticizing Trump's failure to apologize for taking responsibility for Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore, who accused Hillary of sexual harassment in a radio interview.

Trump also called on the FBI and Justice Department to investigate the Clinton Foundation's and Democratic National Committee's joint financial support for Hillary's campaign. A month ago, Trump said, 'Everyone's question is why the Justice Department and the FBI are not investigating this dishonesty by Hillary and the Democrats. People want to know about deleted e-mails, uranium, Podesta, servers, etc.

In the radio interview, Hillary said, "Democrat Senator Al Franken of Minnesota insisted that the Democratic party take action against him after he sexually harassed a radio host." But look at Roy Moore or Donald Trump, they're not taking any responsibility, not even apologizing.'

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