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China has made 10 times faster missiles than sound!

China's People's Liberation Army, or PLA, fast-moving missile will be added by the middle of next year

The Dhaka Times Desk This time, China has made a missile that is 10 times faster than sound! China's People's Liberation Army or PLA is said to be joining the middle of next year.

শব্দের চেয়েও ১০ গুণ দ্রুতগামী ক্ষেপণাস্ত্র তৈরি করেছে চীন! 1

China's People's Liberation Army, or PLA, fast-moving missile will be added by the middle of next year. This missile is 10 times faster than sound. It is an intercontinental ballistic missile or ICBM. It is possible to attack anywhere in the world with this missile named Dongfeng-41 equipped with at least 10 nuclear 'warheads' or bombs.

This missile can attack 10 separate targets with 10 nuclear bombs. Moreover, it will have the technology to derail enemy anti-missile systems. Dongfeng-41 will use 'dummy flyer' or fireworks to confuse the enemy under this technology!

According to media reports, China has conducted at least 8 tests of Dongfeng-41 since 2012. Chinese daily South China Morning Post reported that the eighth test was conducted earlier this month. However, the news did not mention where it was tested.

Analysts believe that China has made significant progress in missiles through all these tests. That is why preparations are being made to declare it suitable for use in the Chinese army.

In this regard, the organization named Global Security has said that the range of this solid-fueled missile is 10 to 12 thousand kilometers. According to the published news, the weight of the Dongfeng-41 missile with a length of 15 meters and a radius of 2 meters is about 30 thousand kilograms.

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