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Habib and Nancy's new song is coming

Habib Waheed himself composed the tune and music of the song

The Dhaka Times Desk Two popular music artists Habib and Nancy have new songs coming. Just when the audience is waiting for a melodious song, the duo comes out with a different flavor. This is exactly what happened. They are coming up with beautiful new songs.

হাবিব ও ন্যান্সির নতুন গান আসছে 1

Habib and Nancy are bringing two duets again. The recording of both the songs was also completed on November 20 at Habib Wahid's studio in Dhanmondi. Nancy told the media about the news of the new song.

In this regard, Nancy said, 'Lastly I did a song titled 'Rose Day' with Habib Bhai. It was after a long break. The audience loved the song. In gratitude, I am appearing with two more songs. There is a touch of Habib Bhai's sweet melody in the beautiful words. I hope the audience will like these two songs.

The title of the new song is yet to be decided. One of the two songs is written by popular lyricist Gunjan Rahman, the other song is by Suhrid Sufian. Habib Waheed composed the tune and music of both the songs. Soon both songs will be available in the market.

It is to be noted that the journey of Habib-Nancy duo started with the film 'Hridayer Katha' at the end of 2005. That year, Nancy lent her voice to Habib's tune and music in the song of the film 'Hridayer Katha'. However, the first song released by Habib and Nancy duo is from the film 'Akash Chhoya Bhalosha'. Since then, Habib and Nancy have given many popular songs. Habib-Nancy, the popular duo of Bengali songs, also won the National Film Award for the song of the film 'Prajapati'.

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