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Canon has launched a new DSLR camera

The model of this EOS series camera is EOS M100

The Dhaka Times Desk Canon has launched a new DSLR camera. This is the EOS series camera. The model of this new camera is EOS M100.

নতুন ডিএসএলআর ক্যামেরা আনলো ক্যানন 1

The world famous camera company Canon has brought a new DSLR camera at an affordable price. The model of this EOS series camera is EOS M100. This camera uses a 24.2 megapixel sensor. This camera uses a tilt-shift lens. It also has the option of changing the lens.

Canon's new camera features a 24.2-megapixel APS-C SIMS sensor. Digic 7 image processor is used in this camera. Continuous shooting speed feature is used in this new camera. That is why it is capable of holding a maximum of 6.1 fem per second.

This camera's servo autofocus can capture 4.0 frames per second. The ISO range of this new camera is 25600. This camera has 6 assistant settings. This camera has a 3 inch touch panel LCD. Which can also be rotated through 180 degree angle.

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