The Dhaka Times
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The Prime Minister inaugurated the construction of nuclear power plant in Ishwardi

The Rooppur nuclear power plant will supply 2400 MW of electricity to the national grid by 2024

Ishwardi representative Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina inaugurated the construction of the country's only and first nuclear power plant at Ishwardi. The main construction work of the much awaited Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant has been inaugurated.

ঈশ্বরদীতে পারমাণবিক বিদ্যুৎকেন্দ্রের নির্মাণকাজের উদ্বোধন করলেন প্রধানমন্ত্রী 1

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina today (Thursday) inaugurated the main construction work of the much awaited Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant. It is the country's first nuclear power plant. Today (Thursday) at 11.50 pm, the construction work of this first nuclear power plant in the country was inaugurated.

The Prime Minister was accompanied by the Director General of the State Atomic Energy Corporation of Russia - Rosatum, Alesi Likhachev.

The inauguration ceremony was surrounded by tight security. The Rooppur nuclear power plant is expected to supply 2400 MW of electricity to the national grid by 2024. The Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission under the Ministry of Science and Technology is working on the implementation of this project with the financial, technical and technical support of Russia through Rosatom.

Note that on 25 December 2015, an agreement was signed between Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission and JSC Atom Strokesport. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina laid the foundation stone of this power plant on October 2, 2013. Today he inaugurated the construction of this country's first nuclear power plant by welding with his own hands.

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