The Dhaka Times
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He made his wife 'dead' for the greed of crores of rupees!

At the last moment, his manipulations were caught like a diver on the shore

The Dhaka Times Desk A man declared his wife 'dead' for the greed of one crore taka! One such incident happened in Hyderabad, India.

কোটি টাকার লোভে স্ত্রীকে ‘মৃত’ বানালেন! 1

This incident shows how low people can go for money. In a recent incident, a man in Hyderabad declared his wife 'dead' to get insurance money. But in the end, his manipulation was caught at the last moment, just like the tide.

According to the news published in the media, not only that person, but his wife is also involved in this incident. Five years ago, the man insured one crore rupees in the name of his wife. He also paid regular premiums.

The person submitted an insurance claim to the insurance company last June. The man said that his wife died suddenly due to chest pain.

The eyes of the insurance company's employees are blindfolded while verifying the authenticity before paying the insurance money. They see that person's wife Dibbi is alive! Then the workers of the insurance company informed the police. Later the police arrested the woman. But her husband is absconding. A case has been registered against the two on multiple charges including cheating.

It is to be noted that this couple tried to collect money from other insurance companies in the past as well.

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