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Know FIFA World Cup Football 2018 Schedule / Fixtures

The coveted trophy will be awarded to the best country in the world for the next four years through the final at the same venue on July 15, 2018.

The Dhaka Times Desk On June 14, 2018, FIFA World Cup football was opened at the Luzhniki Stadium in Moscow, the capital of Russia. World Cup Football 2018 Schedule Find out today.

A total of 32 teams were pre-determined for the World Cup in Russia. Last Friday, the group stage draw was held in Moscow. On June 14, 2018, the world's most popular sports exhibition, the FIFA Football World Cup, opened at the Luzhniki Stadium in Moscow. The much-coveted trophy was handed to the best country in the world for the next four years through the final at the same venue on July 15.

Check out the Russia World Cup groups:

Group 'A': Russia, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Uruguay
Group 'B': Portugal, Spain, Morocco, Iran
Group 'C': France, Australia, Peru, Denmark
Group 'D': Argentina, Iceland, Croatia, Nigeria
Group 'E': Brazil, Switzerland, Costa Rica, Serbia
Group 'F': Germany, Mexico, Sweden, Republic of Korea (South Korea)
Group 'G': Belgium, Panama, Tunisia, England
Group 'H' : Poland, Senegal, Colombia, Japan


Check World Cup Football 2018 Matches Time Table: (Bangladesh Time)


the date And times the time group match place
June 14, Thursday 9 p.m A RussiaSaudi the arab Moscow
June 15, Friday 6 p.m A EgyptUruguay Ekaterinburg
June 15, Friday 9 p.m B moroccoIran Saint Petersburg
June 15, Friday 12 pm B Portugalspain Sochi
June 16, Saturday 4 p.m C FranceAustralia Kazan
June 16, Saturday 7 p.m D ArgentinaIceland Moscow
June 16, Saturday 10 p.m C PeruDenmark Saransk
June 16, Saturday 1 am D CroatiaNigeria Kaliningrad
June 17, Sunday 6 p.m E costa RikaSerbia Samara
June 17, Sunday 9 p.m F GermanyMexico Moscow
June 17, Sunday 12 o'clock at night E BrazilSwitzerland Rostov
June 18, Monday 6 p.m F Swedenthe south Korea Nizhny Novgorod
June 18, Monday 9 p.m G Belgiumpanama Sochi
June 18, Monday 12 o'clock at night G TunisiaEngland Volgograd
June 19, Tuesday 6 p.m H PolandSenegal Moscow
June 19, Tuesday 9 p.m H ColumbiaJapan Saransk
June 19, Tuesday 12 o'clock at night A RussiaEgypt Saint Petersburg
June 20, Wednesday 6 p.m B Portugalmorocco Moscow
June 20, Wednesday 9 p.m A UruguaySaudi the arab Rostov
June 20, Wednesday 12 o'clock at night B Iranspain Kazan
June 21, Thursday 9 p.m C FrancePeru Ekaterinburg
June 21, Thursday 6 p.m C DenmarkAustralia Samara
June 21, Thursday 12 o'clock at night D ArgentinaCroatia Nizhny Novgorod
June 22, Friday 6 p.m E BrazilCosta Rica Saint Petersburg
June 22, Friday 9 p.m D NigeriaIceland Volgograd
June 22, Friday 12 o'clock at night E SerbiaSwitzerland Kaliningrad
June 23, Saturday 6 p.m G BelgiumTunisia Moscow
June 23, Saturday 9 p.m F GermanySweden Sochi
June 23, Saturday 12 o'clock at night F the south KoreaMexico Rostov
June 24, Sunday 6 p.m G Englandpanama Nizhny Novgorod
June 24, Sunday 9 p.m H JapanSenegal Ekaterinburg
June 24, Sunday 12 o'clock at night H PolandColumbia Kazan
June 25, Monday 8 p.m A UruguayRussia Samara
June 25, Monday 8 p.m A Saudi the arabEgypt Volgograd
June 25, Monday 12 o'clock at night B IranPortugal Saransk
June 25, Monday 12 o'clock at night B spainmorocco Kaliningrad
June 26, Tuesday 8 p.m C DenmarkFrance Moscow
June 26, Tuesday 8 p.m C AustraliaPeru Sochi
June 26, Tuesday 12 o'clock at night D NigeriaArgentina Saint Petersburg
June 26, Tuesday 12 o'clock at night D IcelandCroatia Rostov
June 27, Wednesday 8 p.m F the south KoreaGermany Kazan
June 27, Wednesday 8 p.m F MexicoSweden Ekaterinburg
June 27, Wednesday 12 o'clock at night E SerbiaBrazil Moscow
June 27, Wednesday 12 o'clock at night E SwitzerlandcostaRika Nizhny Novgorod
June 28, Thursday 8 p.m H JapanPoland Volgograd
June 28, Thursday 8 p.m H SenegalColumbia Samara
June 28, Thursday 12 o'clock at night G EnglandBelgium Kaliningrad
June 28, Thursday 12 o'clock at night G panamaTunisia Saransk


Last 16

June 30, Saturday 8 p.m C 1D 2 (match50) Kazan
June 30, Saturday 12 o'clock at night A 1B 2 (match 49) Sochi
July 1, Sunday 8 p.m B 1A 2 (match 51) Moscow
July 1, Sunday 12 o'clock at night D 1C 2 (match 52) Nizhny Novgorod
July 2, Monday 8 p.m E 1F 2 (match 53) Samara
July 2, Monday 12 o'clock at night G 1H 2 (match54) Rostov
July 3, Tuesday 8 p.m F 1E 2 (match 55) Saint Petersburg
July 3, Tuesday 12 o'clock at night H 1G 2 (match56) Moscow


Quarter finals

July 6, Friday 8 p.m match 49 winnermatch 50 winner(match57) Nizhny Novgorod
July 6, Friday 12 o'clock at night match 53 winnermatch 54 winner(match58) Kazan
July 7, Saturday 8 p.m match 55 winnermatch 56 winner(match60) Samara
July 7, Saturday 12 o'clock at night match 51 winnermatch 52 winner (match59) Sochi


Semi finals

July 10, Tuesday 12 o'clock at night match 57 winnermatch 58 winner(match61) Saint Petersburg
July 11, Wednesday 12 o'clock at night match 59 winnermatch 60 winner(match62) Moscow


Third place finisher

July 14: Loser of Match 61 vs Loser of Match 62 (8pm)

Final: July 15 (9 pm)

Then enjoy World Cup Football 2018. Don't forget to comment your favorite team name.

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