The Dhaka Times
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Japanese young women can not love under the pressure of work!

Nowadays, women in Japan are busy with similar activities as men

The Dhaka Times Desk Japanese young women can not love under the pressure of work! It is a matter of great regret. The Japanese give more importance to work. Hence the pitfalls that occur due to not ignoring the workload!

কাজের চাপে প্রেম করতে পারছেন না জাপানি তরুণীরা! 1

Japanese girls are able to make love because they cannot find time due to heavy work pressure. 60 percent of young women who participated in a survey gave such information!

This information was published by Japan Times citing the online love counseling company

According to the report of Japan Times, currently women in Japan are busy with similar work as men. Because of this, women are not in the physical and mental condition to make love or go on dates during the rest period between overtime work. During this time they sleep on the sofa or watch TV to relieve fatigue.

According to the survey, one in four women falls asleep during dating under heavy workload! Because they feel that it is 'just a waste of time'. Instead, they think more about getting married and living a permanent family, the report said.

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