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Chinese school is training how to be a responsible wife!

Most young women in China prefer to stay away from housework. Many do not want to get married for fear of taking responsibility for the family

The Dhaka Times Desk Schools are taught. That is very normal. But nowadays other things come to schools and colleges. For example, a school in China is training how to be a responsible wife!

কীভাবে দায়িত্বশীল স্ত্রী হওয়া যাবে সে প্রশিক্ষণ দিচ্ছে চীনা স্কুল! 1

Most young women in China prefer to stay away from housework in general. Many do not want to get married for fear of taking responsibility for the family. A school named Fushun Traditional Cultural Society has come forward to find out how to free the society from this situation.

They opened a school to train Chinese girls how to be good responsible wives, starting with housework. This school has branches in several major cities in China. Being a good and responsible wife is advised in that school in China.

In that school in China, Chinese girls are being taught that to be good wives, girls need to talk less. Homework should be done diligently. Cook at home instead of ordering food out. It is taught that not doing so would be an insult to a woman.

Meanwhile, the school has come under fire after the incident spread online. The Chinese government immediately took action. The school was closed!

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