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Finding the Lost Roman Empire Underwater

Where the shapers of Roman civilization spread their fame

The Dhaka Times Desk This time, the Roman Empire lost under water has been found. An entire city was found under water. The artists of Roman civilization spread their various achievements.

পানির নিচে হারিয়ে যাওয়া রোমান সাম্রাজ্যের সন্ধান 1

Julius Caesar and his Rome are still remembered at the heart of Italy. The Roman Empire was founded then. With the passage of time, one day those powerful empires sink into the womb of time.

Apart from Rome, there were many other cities where the shapers of Roman civilization spread their fame. A favorite place for the wealthy in the Roman Empire was a place called Baie. This place on the 'Gulf of Naples' in Italy was frequented by the elite of the time. Notable among them were Julius Caesar, Nero, Pompey, Hadrian and their councils.

Just going for leisure is not the right thing to do. These leaders had their own 'villas' in Bayai. A lot of things happened there. The beautiful and well-decorated palaces of Bayai were shelters of luxury on one side and brutality on the other.

Over time, many of Bayai's palaces are now under the sea due to the erosion of the sea's coastline. Mount Vesuvius is not far from Beai. Due to the eruption there, the water moved up to about 400 meters towards the bank.

পানির নিচে হারিয়ে যাওয়া রোমান সাম্রাজ্যের সন্ধান 2

The bay of Naples has recently been opened to divers. Antonio Busciello, a photographer from Naples, has recently shown the world many pictures of the city that was lost under water. And because of that
There are many stories of the Roman Empire lost under water.

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