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Discovered under the water million-year-old continent!

A study by a group of scientists at the University of Johannesburg revealed this information

The Dhaka Times Desk A continent is hidden under the water! It is the same age as the continent of Africa and Australia! The continent is under the island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean.

পানির নিচে আবিষ্কার হলো কোটি বছরের পুরনো মহাদেশ! 1

Recently, a group of scientists at the University of Johannesburg have revealed this information. In this regard, Lewis Ashwal, a researcher at the University of Johannesburg, said that the continent was created about 3 billion years ago. Like other continents, it was once the land mass of the Earth. But 200 million years ago, when the Gondwana land split up, it disappeared under water. From the Gondwana land, Africa, Australia, Antarctica and India separated one by one to form the Indian Ocean. According to the researchers, the volcanic lava accumulation formed mainly on the island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean. This vast land is buried under the island of Mauritius. Then what remains at the bottom of the ocean.

Lewis also reported that a mineral called zircon was discovered on the island of Mauritius. Studies have shown that this mineral is 3 billion years old. Mauritius is much younger there. The deeper one went, the more the amount of that mineral increased. That is why scientists are sure that there is an underwater continent under the island of Mauritius.

Not only this time, but also in 2013, geologists once found this mineral in Mauritius. However, due to the lack of proper evidence, no one paid attention to the demand of the scientists, said the scientists concerned.

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