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Giant stars in the solar system! Glimpses of sun destruction?

There is no end to the speculations of scientists about the solar system. Scientists have been doing various researches from time to time

The Dhaka Times Desk Scientists have discovered a giant star in the solar system! It has been warned that there is a glimpse of the destruction of the sun.

সৌরমণ্ডলে দৈত্যাকার নক্ষত্র! সূর্য ধ্বংসের আভাস? 1

There is no end to the speculations of scientists about the solar system. Scientists have been doing various researches from time to time. In that research, one type of theory has emerged from time to time. Following that, a new information has come forward.

A tall telescope at the European Space Observatory recently caught a strange sight. There is a red giant star some distance from the solar system. That star can destroy the entire solar system including the sun.

Scientists have said that the bubble is coming out of that star. That bubble can destroy the world. Inside that star is burning lava. There are also sparks. The star is gradually getting superheated from that lava. That is why the size of the star is gradually increasing. Due to the increase in size, the star is becoming much narrower than before. The star has grown several hundred times larger than before. Because of this, water vapor is mixing with fire particles inside the red giant star. That is why the bubble is formed due to the variation in temperature. As the size increases, the density of the red giant star decreases.

Scientists also say that the star is full of hydrogen. Due to this, the temperature of this star will increase due to temperature variation. Which can affect the solar system. However, scientists have said that the situation to panic has not yet arisen.

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